Announcing the next phase of PlanBuild Tasmania

PlanBuild Tasmania is excited to announce that the second phase of the portal’s development is now ready to be adopted – Application Services.

Application Services allows people to apply, track and interact with the relevant parties for the life of a project. It has been developed in consultation with local government, industry, referral authorities, including TasWater, Heritage Tasmania and TasFire, to ensure it is fit-for-purpose for all who will use it.

The project team are now working closely with organisations who will be part of the initial targeted launch to support their transition from their current systems to PlanBuild Tasmania. We will release further information about which organisations will be using the service as we progress.

This will enable a new streamlined online application lodgement and tracking option for applications in those areas where Application Services is in operation. Existing lodgement processes will remain for those areas not yet using Application Services.

As the service is rolled-out across the State, the ability to lodge applications online will become available to more Tasmanians.

Watch our PlanBuild Application Services video to learn more.

PlanBuild Application Services shown on screen

Last updated: 27 July 2023